Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Data Structures (COS241)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: explain what data structures are and why they are important; implement and operate upon arrays, ordered arrays, linked lists of various types, stacks, queues, deques, binary trees and binary search trees; analyze time complexity of data structures and their operations (insertion, deletion, searching, etc.); identify which data structures and algorithms are more suited to particular tasks and scenarios; identify and appreciate efficiency in programming; explain and utilize pointers; identify practical applications of data structures; understand the beauty of recursion; trace through recursive algorithms with a clear understanding of how they work and what’s being done at each step in the code; utilize recursion in one’s own programming; differentiate between different types of trees; identify different parts of a tree as well as a tree’s size, height and the depth of a given node; implement binary trees with multiple underlying data structures.