Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Advanced Topics in Prophets: Judges (REL398)
Major topics include: Hebron: who it was given to, its previous name, mourning for Moshe, Caleb’s name, Osniel’s name, Prayer, the cycle of the Book of Judges, mourning for Yehoshua, Aramaic, a nation’s sar, Hebron, mourning for Moshe, Caleb, Osniel, G-d answers the prayers of the broken-hearted, Amon and Moav, Devorah: song, palm tree, Sisera: his end, his mother, Gideon, the sun as a symbol of the temporal world, merits of the Forefathers, Dew: significance, difference between rain and dew, miracles, Ephod, Shechem, the necessity of self-knowledge in character growth, Jephtha, Human sacrifice, Samson: nazir, strength, parents, fox, jawbone, Delilah, sin, error, Philistines, Micha’s idol, concubine of Giveah. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.