Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Talmud Survey: Bava Kama (TAL216)
Classroom: 78 hours (13 weeks); Distance/Hybrid: Varies.
September 2020 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: dissect and explain classic Gemara structure; define concepts of Tractate Bava Kama; identify the nature of a text, e.g., legal or supra-legal, identify primary and supplemental material through analysis of the Talmudic discussion; define axiological concepts around which the discussion revolves through analysis of its structure; define and apply the concepts of Talmudic research; decipher Talmudic texts and their cryptic dialog; reconstruct the give-and-take that is the backbone of independent Talmud study. In contradistinction to study-in-depth courses, the focus of the Talmudic survey courses is broad, comprehensive study, which enables Talmudic students to access the concepts necessary to be conversant in a variety of areas of Talmudic discipline.
Major topics include tzroros, regel, shen, payments for damages incurred by animals, when tzroros are inevitable, fire damage, when an animal becomes muad, humans are always culpable, damages caused by thrown objects, damaged by falling objects, fines in current times, damages caused by pits, damages caused by inanimate objects, and damages caused by water. Topics and sources may vary. The course allows for a cross-section of different texts, giving the student a broad range of topics to which to apply numerous research techniques. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and textual preparations. Prerequisites: Introductory courses in Talmud and fundamental familiarity with the main topics of the tractate.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Talmud, Judaic Studies, Religious Studies or Theology (3/21).