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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience

Programming Languages and Python (COS351)

Formerly Programming Languages (COS351); Programming Languages (CMP330)

Version 1: 42 hours (14 weeks). Version 2: Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks); Distance/Hybrid: Varies. 

Traditional classroom-based offered at Maalot, Jerusalem, and other authorized locations. Distance learning and hybrid options available.

Version 1: February 1990 - January 1997. Version 2: February 1997 - Present. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Online/distance learning
Hybrid course/exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Version 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: write programs in the various languages covered; be familiar with the special features in specific languages; and understand various aspects of language implementations. Version 2: Students will be able to explain the benefits of studying programming languages and the advantages and disadvantages to each language; differentiate between different languages in the way they define variables using scope and binding; differentiate between types of control structures; know how the different data types are used and how the computer allocates memory for them; write programs in Scheme, demonstrating the use of a functional programming language; write programs in Prolog, demonstrating the use of a logical programming language; install necessary software that will enable Python programming; master I/O, variable usage and commenting; demonstrate the ability to write Python programs using comparisons, logic and proper string usage; incorporate simple data structure usage and iteration into Python programs; write object oriented Python programs and incorporate external libraries; write scripts to automate simple tasks using Python; collect and analyze data from the web using complex pattern matching, and present in appropriate manner; and demonstrate mastery of Python programming techniques in a comprehensive programming project.


Version 1: Major topics include formal definitions of programming languages and specification of syntax and semantics; global properties and algorithmic languages, including scopes of declaration, storage allocation, binding time, subroutines, and co-routines; list processing; string manipulation; data description; and simulation languages. Methods of instruction include discussion, lecture, laboratory, examinations, and programs. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computers and one other programming language. Version 2: This course is composed of two parts: to introduce some of the basic constructs of contemporary programming languages, and the tools necessary for critical evaluation of a programming language, master basic Python programming in order to gain hands-on exposure to an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic language .Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and lab, projects and final exam. Prerequisites: Introduction to Computers and one other computer language. 

Credit recommendation: 

Version 1 and 2: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Programming Languages or Computer Science elective (12/91) (2/97) (2/11) (4/16 revalidation) (3/21 revalidation). 

