Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Advanced Talmud: Bava Metzia (TAL317)
Classroom: 104 hours (13 weeks ); Distance/Hybrid: Varies.
September 2020 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to describe and analyze Talmudic disputes in Bava Metzia; demonstrate mastery of the intricate and detailed arguments of the Talmudic glosses and a wide range of commentaries; distill the various opinions that constitute the legal discussion; and appraise the relationship between them and conceptualize the abstract principles at the core of the discussion.
Major topics include: oaths, uncertainty, one witness, when we know there is a liar, modeh bemiktzos, return of a lost object, migu, heilech, who cannot take an oath, false claims, delayed protest, when one party seized the object, tokfo Kohen, and two who are holding onto a document. Topics and sources may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and textual preparations. Prerequisite: Three previous Talmud courses, basic familiarity with the topics dealt with in the Tractate.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 8 semester hours in Talmud, Judaic Studies, Religious Studies or Theology (3/21).