LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Tunnel Safety for Laborers TUN.W
40 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the various types and purposes of tunnels; identify the parts of a tunnel; list the three main phases of tunnel construction; describe the different methods of tunnel construction and the conditions where each method would be used; describe three types of cut and cover tunnel construction techniques; explain the use of road headers and shields in soft ground tunneling; describe three types of tunnel boring machines (TBMs) and what they are used for; explain the main methods and equipment used in both hard rock and soft ground tunneling; explain the use of the New Austrian Tunneling Method; describe the use of microtunneling/pipe jacking and box jacking techniques; explain why tunnels are being constructed today; explain the kinds of utility lines Laborers install in tunnels; explain what is hauled in and out on the rail lines in tunnels; describe two ways muck is removed from a tunnel; list and describe six methods of ground support; explain the differences between jack leg, sinker, stoper and jumbo drills; explain the safety precautions for scaling; explain the different uses for shotcrete and grout in tunnel construction; explain why tunnel construction might involve more equipment cleaning and maintenance than aboveground construction; list at least five types of personal protective equipment required on a tunnel construction job site; explain the requirements for emergency lighting; explain safety precautions for lifting and carrying construction materials; explain what silicosis is, and how to prevent it; describe how to prevent cement burns; explain the purpose of a brass board; describe the responsibilities of a “top lander”; list locations on the surface and underground where barriers would be required, and types of barrier materials; demonstrate cap lamp/flashlight signals; demonstrate understanding of basic hand and voice signals for hoisting; describe how other means of signaling may be used to communicate hazards underground; describe types of electronic communications used in tunnels; explain the OSHA definition of a “competent person” and that person’s responsibilities on a tunnel job site; explain what parts of a tunnel jobsite must be inspected for safety, and how often; state the acceptable limits for oxygen content in the air in a tunnel; list some of the hazardous gases that can seep into a tunnel; explain when the air in a tunnel must be tested for flammable gases; demonstrate how to inspect and use a self-rescuer; explain the OSHA definition of a “confined space” and the precautions for working in a confined space; explain how to respond to flooding in a tunnel; explain when an employer must provide a tunnel rescue team, and how that requirement can be met; list safety requirements for personnel hoists; describe safety procedures for riding in mancars or mantrips; state the heights or ladder lengths when fall protection is required; list safety precautions for working around jumbo drills; describe how to use portable safety ladders; explain how to avoid being struck by a loci; list safety procedures for working around hoisted loads; describe the hazards of a TBM segment erector; list the steps of a lock out/tag out procedure; explain why housekeeping is important on a tunnel job site; explain why wet skin is a greater electrocution risk than dry skin; list safety guidelines for using extension cords; explain requirements for routing electrical cables in tunnels; list types of high-pressure lines used in tunnels; explain why a worker whose skin has been punctured by high-pressure material needs medical attention; explain safety precautions for using pneumatic tools; define ANFO and list the different forms it can take; define detonation cord; describe the responsibilities of an authorized blaster; explain safety requirements for moving explosives with hoists or elevators and with locis; explain safety procedures for tamping explosives into blasting holes; explain the required warnings for blasting areas and blasts; explain safety procedures for misfired explosives in boreholes; describe how to safely move gas cylinders; list requirements for fire extinguishers in tunnels; and explain what types of vehicle fuel can be used in tunnels.
Major topics include: introductory information about tunnels, how they are built, and the safety considerations involved with working on a tunnel construction job, including personal safety, communicating for safety, underground safety, safety around equipment, and safety around energy sources.
In the lower division baccalaureate /associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Construction Technology or Construction Safety (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).