LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Restoration Supervisor REST.SUP
16 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: develop a brief general outline of the overall restoration process for employees including: initial or pre-inspection, inspection, monitoring and documentation, restoring structure and contents, coordination, completion; interpret and explain written organizational policies and procedures to help employees perform their jobs according to employer rules and expectations; identify company health and safety programs to ensure compliance with regulations and employee protection (OSHA and EPA); identify hazards unique to the restoration project and identify appropriate actions required to address them; comply with federal, state, and local safety and regulatory requirements; organize work teams and schedule employee work assignments; ensure the scope of work is followed and standardized procedures and practices are met; employ planning and time management skills and tools to monitor, plan, and control day-to-day activities required to enhance results and complete work tasks in a restoration project; use quality-control processes to minimize errors, maximize operational effectiveness, and expedite workflow; update work plans and schedules; use organizational and project management skills to improve workflow, minimize costs, and monitor and evaluate project; define insurance industry terms including: Actual Cash Value (ACV), Replacement Cost Value (RCV), depreciation, and “hold back”; interpret standard insurance policies including the identification of coverages and exclusions; identify three types of insurance adjusters; review sample claim files effectively; describe the basic Insurance Process/Relationship Chain of Events; explain the difference between open and closed drying systems; demonstrate how to use industry-required psychrometric equipment in a mock work area; demonstrate recording psychrometric readings; organize psychrometric reading documentation; calculate three items and record them on a psychrometric chart: dry bulb temperature, relative humidity (RH), specific humidity (humidity ratio); dxplain basic property damage protocols; pretest for restorability (fire/smoke damage, water damage) in a mock work area; create the proper loss inspection and mitigation documentation to determine the scope of the loss and any pre-existing issues in a mock work area; describe the proper documentation of required forms to justify procedures and project timeline; describe the appropriate project inspections and/or testing with required agencies and/or legal parties; describe an inventory control system; conduct contents inventory in a mock work area; describe how to order and schedule labor, equipment and materials; explain liability with equipment; ensure safe and efficient use, installation, and setup of all project equipment; describe personal and job site safety rules and regulations that maintain safe and healthful working conditions and environments; describe how to maintain property and equipment necessary for project activities; describe how to oversee maintenance schedules for vehicles, materials and equipment; and explain how to use appropriate technology and computer-based equipment (containing embedded computers or processors) to control devices and for business applications.
Major topics are designed to build upon information provided in the Restoration Technician course. Students learn about managing staff and projects, understanding insurance practices, understanding psychrometric readings, and calculating materials and equipment. Special emphasis is placed on following proper procedures and developing safe work habits.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in Construction Management (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).