LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Radiological Worker II RAD.W
32 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify the three basic particles of an atom and the charge and location of each; define ionization; define ionizing radiation, radioactive material, and radioactive contamination; distinguish between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation; define radioactivity and radioactive half-life; state the four basic types of ionizing radiation; identify the following for each of the four types of ionizing radiation: physical characteristics, range/shielding, biological hazard(s), and sources; identify the units used to measure radiation, contamination, and radioactivity; convert rem to millirem and millirem to rem; identify the major sources of natural background and man-made radiation; identify the sources of and average annual dose to the general population from natural background and man-made radiation; state the method by which radiation causes damage to cells; identify the possible effects of radiation on cells; define the terms “acute dose” and “chronic dose”; state examples of a chronic radiation dose; define the terms “somatic effect” and “heritable effect”; state the potential effects associated with prenatal radiation doses; compare the biological risks from chronic radiation doses to health risks workers are subjected to in industry and daily life; state the purposes of the facility administrative control levels; identify the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE) radiation dose limits, DOE administrative control level, and facility administrative control levels; state the site policy concerning prenatal radiation exposure; identify the employee’s responsibility concerning radiation dose limits and administrative control levels; describe the action a worker should take if he/she suspects that dose limits or administrative control levels are being approached or exceeded; state the ALARA concept; state the DOE/site management policy for the ALARA program; identify the responsibilities of management, Radiological Control Organization, and the radiological worker regarding the ALARA program; identify the basic protective measures of time, distance, and shielding; identify methods for reducing external and internal radiation dose; state the pathways radioactive material can enter the body; identify methods a radiological worker can use to minimize radioactive waste; state the purpose of each of the personnel dosimeter devices used at the site; identify worker responsibilities concerning each of the external personnel dosimeter devices used at the site; state the purpose of each type of internal monitoring method used; identify worker responsibilities concerning internal monitoring programs; state the methods for obtaining radiation dose records; identify worker responsibilities for reporting radiation doses received from other sites and from medical applications; define fixed, removable and airborne contamination; state the sources of radioactive contamination; state the appropriate response to a spill of radioactive material; identify methods used to control radioactive contamination; identify the proper use of protective clothing; identify the purpose and use of personnel contamination monitors; identify the normal methods used for decontamination; define contamination, high contamination, and airborne radioactivity areas; identify the requirements for entering, working in, and exiting contamination, high contamination, and airborne radioactivity areas; state the purpose of and information found on radiological work permits (RWPs); identify the worker’s responsibilities in using Radiological Work Permits; identify the colors and symbols used on radiological postings; state the radiological and disciplinary consequences of disregarding radiological postings, signs, and labels; define the areas controlled for radiological purposes; identify the minimum requirements for entering, working in, and exiting: radiological buffer areas, radiation areas, radioactive material areas, soil contamination areas, fixed contamination areas; state the personnel frisking requirements when exiting Radiological Buffer Areas; state the purpose and types of emergency alarms; identify the correct responses to emergencies and/or alarms; state the possible consequences of disregarding radiological alarms; and state the DOE and site administrative occupational emergency radiation dose guidelines.
Major topics include: radiation, the health effects caused by radiation exposure, DOE radiation dose limits and control measures, the “As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)” concept, protective measures to avoid and/or reduce radiation exposure, proper work techniques, use of dosimetry, proper monitoring techniques, decontamination techniques, and proper entry and exit from controlled areas. This course prepares students to work on sites with radioactive elements overseen by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Special emphasis is placed on following proper procedures and developing safe work habits.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in Radiological Sciences or Fundamentals of Health Physics (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).