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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience

Nuclear Power Plant Worker NUC.P


24 hours.

LIUNA Pomfret, CT, and other LIUNA approved training centers

April 2011 – Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: state the purpose and types of emergency alarms and identify the correct response to each; identify the NRC Form 3; explain the worker’s Rights and Responsibilities; identify the different structures that make up the nuclear power plant; identify the components that make up a nuclear reactor; differentiate from among the following terms: fission, chain reaction, critical, sub-critical, and supercritical; explain the difference between a pressurized and boiling water reactor; identify the parts that make up the atom; list the four (4) types of ionizing radiation list the three main types of ionizing radiation and give the unique characteristics, such as composition, penetration, shielding, hazard concern and properties for each type; differentiate between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; identify the following terms: ionizing radiation, half-life, radioactive decay, radioactive material, and radiation; identify the quality factor for each type of radiation; define Rad, Rem, and QF; identify the following exposure terms: Rem, Mrem, dose rate, roentgen, Curie, Rad; list the three (3) main categories of natural sources of radiation exposure; distinguish between Natural and Artificial radiation; state the occupational radiation exposure limits for the following: whole body, extremities, skin, pregnant sorker, total organ dose; identify the radiosensitivity of various body organs; match the following items to the best definition: somatic effect, radiosensitivity, DNA, genetic effect, Acute Radiation Syndrome, and the Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau; distinguish between acute and chronic effects; identify the potential biological effect of different acute whole body radiation doses; calculate a worker’s dose using the following equation: DOSE = Dose Rate x Time; match the following terms to the best answer: dose, time, half value layer, distance, and shielding; calculate the dose rate at a given distance using the following equation: d1/(d2)2 = d3, where d1 = Dose rate at the source, d2 = Distance from the source, and d3 = Dose rate at new distance; define the term ALARA; list the basic types of radiation detection instruments, give their purpose, and the limitations of each personal dosimeter device; obtain readings during a field survey using the Ludlum Model 3 survey meter; list the basic types of personal dosimeters, give their purpose, and the limitations of each personal dosimeter device; read and calibrate the Victoreen Model 541R Pocket Dosimeter and charge it using the Victoreen Model 2000A dosimeter charge; match the following terms with the appropriate definition or example: loose contamination, fixed contamination, total contamination, airborne contamination, waterborne contamination, internal contamination, external contamination, radioactive contamination; describe the purpose of a Frisker; demonstrate the procedures for personal frisking; list the reasons for decontamination; describe the process of setting up a decontamination procedure; demonstrate the procedures for personal decontamination; identify the following terms: personnel contamination monitor, counts per minute, disintegrations per minute, swipe, and smear; describe the difference between Air Monitoring and Air Sampling; demonstrate the procedures for donning and doffing Anti-C clothing; list the requirements and benefits of a Quality Assurance Program; summarize the requirements of a Quality Assurance Program; list the worker’s obligation as related to security; define contraband and give three (3) examples of it; define what is meant by a drug-free workplace and describe the workers’ responsibilities; describe what is meant by fitness for duty; identify contractor responsibilities; identify common hazards associated with construction activities; and identify hazard protections.


Major topics are designed for workers involved in the maintenance and shutdown activities at nuclear power plants or whose job assignment involves unescorted access entry into areas controlled for radiological purposes, clean-up of radiological contaminated waste sites or whose job assignment involves unescorted entry into areas controlled for radiological purposes.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in Radiological Science or Fundamentals of Health Physics (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).
