LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience
Asbestos Abatement Supervisor ASB.S
40 hours.
April 2011 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define the following trade related terms and acronyms: ACM, EPA, asbestos fiber, friable and non-friable asbestos-containing material, micron, OSHA, PACM, PEL, SM, TSI; list the six types of asbestos as identified by OSHA; list the two most common types of asbestos used in construction; explain the difference between friable and non-friable asbestos-containing materials; correctly state and explain the function of the OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL) for asbestos; describe each of the four classes of asbestos work activity specified by OSHA; define the following terms: carcinogen, ingestion, inhalation, latency period, routes of entry, synergism; identify the two major routes of entry for asbestos into the body; explain the relationship between smoking and exposure to asbestos; list three diseases linked to occupational asbestos exposure and describe the symptoms of each disease; name the body organs affected by asbestos exposure and explain how asbestos affects each; list three protective mechanisms the body uses to get rid of asbestos fibers, and explain how these mechanisms work; define the following acronyms: FEV1, FVC, NIOSH, PFT; list the three reasons for establishing a medical monitoring and surveillance program; list the five required elements of an initial/preplacement medical examination for asbestos abatement workers; list the five required elements of an annual medical examination for asbestos abatement workers; list two additional recommended medical tests for asbestos abatement workers; state the number of years an employer must keep the medical records for each employee; list 10 legal rights workers have under the Occupational Safety and Health Act; list the seven responsibilities workers have under the Occupational Safety and Health Act; list seven steps workers should follow if they are punished for exercising any OSHA legal right; explain the purpose of the following EPA standards: NESHAP, AHERA, ASHARA; describe the following three air-purifying respirators (APR) used by asbestos abatement workers, and state the assigned protection factor (APF) for each: half-face APR, full-face APR, and powered APR; list and explain at least six limitations of APRs; list and describe the three filter series and three filter efficiency levels for particulate filters; explain the terms breakthrough and warning properties, and list four steps that should be taken if breakthrough occurs; explain the term assigned protection factor (APF) for a respirator; explain the acronym MUC as it relates to a respirator, and calculate the correct MUC for half-face, full-face, and powered air purifying respirators; explain the difference between an air-purifying respirator and an atmosphere-supplying respirator; explain the difference between continuous flow and pressure-demand regulators; state the correct APF for a continuous flow Type C airline; state the correct APF for a positive-pressure, pressure demand airline; given the proper personal protective equipment, correctly dress out for entry into an asbestos work area (containment); demonstrate the correct way to don a negative pressure respirator and perform a positive and negative user seal check; demonstrate the correct way to doff personal protective equipment in a three-stage decontamination unit; list and explain the nine requirements of a respiratory protection program; explain the difference between a qualitative and a quantitative fit test and give an example of each; define the following terms and acronyms: accident, confined space, engineering controls, GFCI, hazardous atmospheres, LFL, UFL, oxygen deficiency, lock out and tag out, personal fall arrest system, heat stress, personal hygiene; describe the different levels of heat stress and the dangers they pose to workers; given a variety of job site scenarios, demonstrate safe work practices around the following hazards: electrical, ladders, scaffolds, housekeeping, falls, confined spaces, hazardous atmospheres; describe the fire hazards that exist in a controlled area and how to prepare for the occurrence of an accidental fire; define the following terms and acronyms: clean room, equipment room, HVAC, shower room, waste load-out area; list and explain four reasons for preplanning asbestos abatement operations; list the 12 steps in preparing the work area; define the purpose of decontamination on an asbestos abatement project; list the elements of the decontamination chamber and explain the function of each; explain the purpose and function of a negative pressure air unit; given scenarios of spaces, calculate the number of machines needed to meet air change requirements; given the proper materials and equipment, demonstrate how to prepare the work area, set up the required number of negative air machines and set up a three-chamber decontamination unit according to course guidelines; define the following terms and acronyms: amended water, encapsulation, enclosure, glove bag, HEPA vacuum, NESHAP; describe the difference between bridging and penetrating sealants; list three advantages and seven disadvantages of encapsulation; list three advantages and seven disadvantages of enclosure; list 10 tools commonly used with a glove bag; describe the two stages of asbestos cleanup; list the 19 steps of the final cleanup; define the following terms and acronyms: aggressive sampling, air sampling, breathing zone, bulk sampling, PCM, personal sampling, PLM, static sampling, TEM; explain how and why air sampling is done on an asbestos abatement project; list the two analytical methods used in final clearance of asbestos abatement projects; explain the difference between static sampling and aggressive sampling; describe bulk sampling, settled dust sampling, and wipe sampling methods; list and describe the limitations of three analytical methods used in asbestos abatement; explain the purpose for taking area samples from outside the work are (but inside the building) and from outside the building; define the following terms and acronyms: ACBM, AHERA, bonding, contract, insurance, and tort liability; describe a good faith survey; describe a pre-bid walk through; list three types of bonds that are commonly issued in construction; list the three types of insurance that owners, consultants and contractors should have; list four types of contracts under which asbestos abatement projects are performed; identify three personnel roles on a large asbestos abatement project; explain the purpose of project plans, specifications, and contracts; give at least four examples of how they impact project planning; define the following terms and explain their purpose on an asbestos abatement project: production schedule, equipment schedule, bar chart; describe the role the supervisor plays in effecting safety, quality, and production on an asbestos abatement project; describe the supervisor’s role in fostering a working relationship with the union; list four things that should be planned for when setting up the job site; identify the five key points of communication; identify the three rules of dealing with interpersonal conflict; and list the behavior patterns that can be considered to be forms of sexual harassment.
Major topics include: work area preparation, decontamination facility construction and use, abatement techniques, and cleanup procedures. The course builds upon information provided in the Asbestos Abatement Worker course and prepares CCLs to supervise asbestos abatement projects. Participants receive extensive instruction and hands-on training in many subjects. Special emphasis is placed on following proper procedures and developing safe work habits. The course meets all OSHA requirements for supervisor level training and is mandatory for all persons who will supervise workers involved in Class I, and Class II asbestos abatement work. The course exceeds EPA’s 32-hour minimum course requirements stipulated under 40 CFR Part 763.
In the lower division baccalaureate /associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Industrial Safety (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).