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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Genesis University (formerly Association for Hebraic Studies Institute) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Foundations of Education (EDU 500)


Classroom-based or distance learning course administered through Genesis University. 

Genesis University, Miami, FL; authorized instructional sites, or approved proctor sites.

September 2022 – Present. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Online/distance learning
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: apply disciplinary knowledge from the humanities and social sciences to interpret the meanings of education and schooling in multiple cultural contexts; discuss normative perspectives on education and schooling; use critical perspectives to analyze various aspects of education and schooling; explain how key events in educational history influence current educational practices; articulate a personal philosophy of teaching and learning; discuss democratic principles and how they inform and direct schooling practices, leadership, and school governance; describe the impact of diversity on instruction, schooling leadership, and governance; demonstrate a basic understanding of the legal status of teachers and students, including how the rights of teachers and students are impacted by rules, laws or regulations at the federal, state, and district levels; explain different school reform movements and how they impact teaching, learning, and the curriculum; and demonstrate a basic understanding of how schools are governed and financed.


This survey course is designed to help students develop an understanding of the social, cultural, historical, legal, and philosophical bases for education in the United States.

Credit recommendation: 

In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education (11/22).
