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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Genesis University (formerly Association for Hebraic Studies Institute) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Advanced Taxation (ACC 353)

200+ hours
Varies, distance learning or proficiency exam format
January 2007 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Hybrid course/exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: use the fundamental concepts of the federal income tax system as applied to individuals, corporations, and fiduciaries; prepare tax forms for individuals, partnerships, corporations and trusts; recognize tax planning opportunities and recommend appropriate tax-saving strategies for decision making; and apply the fundamentals of tax law and research to problem situations likely to be encountered in tax practice.


The course is offered in a distance learning format with instructor support, graded assignments, and a cumulative assessment. Topics include: individual determination of tax; gross income inclusions; gross income exclusions; property transactions; capital gains and losses; deductions and losses; itemized deductions; losses and bad debts;employee expenses and deferred compensation; depreciation; cost recovery; amortization and depletion; accounting periods and methods; property transactions; non-taxable exchanges; property transactions; Section1231 and recapture; special tax computation methods; tax credits; corporations- tax research; corporate formations and capital structure;corporate income tax; corporate nonliquidating distributions; other corporate tax levies; corporate liquidating distributions; corporate acquisitions and reorganizations; partnership formation and operation; special partnership issues; administrative procedures; gift tax; estate tax, income taxation of trusts and estates.

Credit recommendation: 

In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Accounting, Taxation, or Business OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Taxation, or Business (1/12) (10/17 revalidation) (2/25 administrative review). 
