Eastwick College | Evaluated Learning Experience
Communication Electronics/Mobile Technology Laboratory (ET203L)
36 hours (12 weeks).
August 2019 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: construct passive and active low pass and high pass filters, ceramic band pass filter and switched capacitor filters and observe the frequency response; build various types of AM modulator and demodulators; construct FM Transmitters and receivers using pulse averaging demodulator; observe the Phase locked Loop response as FM receiver, crystal oscillator; understand the importance of power amplifiers for radio transmitters; calculate noise in receiver circuits and observe PLL as Frequency Synthesizer; be familiar with frequency shift keying digital modulation; observe Pulse Amplitude Modulation and time Division multiplexing; troubleshoot and learn about equipment used in communication tests; and work with wireless devices.
Laboratory projects associated with ET203T are presented to confirm and reinforce theory concepts. This course provides an introduction to the technologies available for communication electronic and mobile devices. Students will have hands-on experience in building communication system circuits and will manage the hardware and measurements of various systems and build band-pass filter and switched capacitor filter, AM and FM modulator and demodulator circuits, binary data communication systems, familiar with transmission lines and antennas. Students learn to measure input and output signals and troubleshoot communication devices and introduced to a wide range of special test equipment used in electronic and mobile communication. The instructor utilizes lectures, daily projects, radio building project to enforce the theoretical learning and correlate them in hands on experiments. Prerequisite: Basic Electronics Theory ET101T, Basic Electronics Laboratory ET101L.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in DC Circuits (Laboratory) (5/22). NOTE: This course was previously evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). To view credit recommendations previously established, visit the ACE NATIONAL GUIDE.