Davar Academy, LLC | Evaluated Learning Experience
English Composition I (ENG 101)
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
November 2016 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this learning experience, students will be able to: use appropriate grammar and syntax in written compositions; describe the attributes of description, narration, illustration, classification, compare/contrast methods, and analyses as they pertain to effective writing; develop a logical argument to address a topic; develop a detailed outline in preparation for writing an essay; write a coherent, persuasive paper that effectively supports a chosen argument; utilize feedback to refine an argument and presentation; and conform to accepted rules pertaining to attribution of sources, format, and other related policies in academic writing.
This learning experience empowers students to be able to express their thoughts and opinions in and organized and structured manner. Emphasis is on using standard English grammar in writing sentences and paragraphs in addition to using critical reading and thinking as tools in the writing process. Major topics include: standard writing strategies such as thesis statements, topic sentences, and narrative and descriptive paragraph development for a variety of topics, the principles of plagiarism and source documentation using the MLA format are covered. The course includes a final exam and requires students to compose a variety of essay types including: narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, and a research essay.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in English (11/16) (3/22 revalidation).