Davar Academy, LLC | Evaluated Learning Experience
The Laws of Shabbat I (JLAW 201)
Varies – self study.
May 2022 - Present.
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify and explain the fundamental philosophy behind the prohibition of working on Sabbath; identify the sources and reasoning at the foundation of the laws and customs of the Sabbath; explain, analyze, interpret, and apply rabbinical institutions and law; distinguish between similar prohibitions and discuss their underlying principles; determine when leniencies apply and describe their impact on Sabbath behavior; judge practical cases by using their knowledge of the prohibitions and leniencies and the criteria by which they are determined.
This course explores Jewish laws and customs concerning the Sabbath. It will cover the concepts, laws and customs related to the Sabbath, including the major principles and their underlying premises applied to novel situations. Topics include: rabbinical restrictions, desisting from weekday activities and occupations, avoiding preparations for after Sabbath, preparing to do positive commandments, speaking about work, excessive exertion, doing work on the eve of Sabbath, non-movable objects (muktza) due to value, forbidden use, and non-designation for use; asking a non-Jew to perform work (amira l’akum), candle lighting at the commencement of Sabbath, the conclusion of Sabbath, and the custom of separating between the Holy and the mundane.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Jewish History or Religion (3/22).