Version 3: Minimum 55 hours. Version 4: Minimum 72 hours.
State Police Academy, State Campus, Albany, NY.
Version 3: October 1990 - September 2000.* Version 4: October 2000 - June 2004.
Learner Outcomes:
Version 3 or 4: Explain the working processes of the court as they relate to the law of arrest; review the rules of evidence in order to support a successful prosecution; discuss the court processes from initial arraignment of the accused through to the trial and sentencing; use constitutionally correct procedures when applying for arrest, search, wiretap, and eavesdropping warrants and orders; define the legal terminology used in the adjudication process of the criminal justice system.
Version 3 or 4: Working knowledge of procedures and standards of proof required for preliminary judicial action in the lower or local court (geographical jurisdiction of offenses, scope of prosecution, and rules of evidence); procedures related to arrest for an offense from the time of arrest through sentencing and probation procedures (laws of arrest, proceedings from arraignment to plea, including pretrial and trial motions, and search and seizure).
Credit recommendation:
Version 3 or 4: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Criminal Procedure Law (4/74) (4/85 revalidation) (4/91 revalidation) (6/96 revalidation) (10/01 revalidation). *NOTE: Earlier versions of this course, dating from September 1961 to September 1990, have been recommended for credit. Please refer to the 1992 edition for further information.