Corporate College Services, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience
Change Management (MGMT 411)
21 hours (7 weeks).
March 2024 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: evaluate models of organizational change and development; analyze the human and economic factors in organizational change and restructuring; assess the impact of general and specific environmental forces for change; anticipate impact of change on stakeholders and workers; and develop a model to create action plans to bring about effective and ethical organizational change.
Major topics include organizations and organizational effectiveness; the role of stakeholders, managers and ethics; creating and managing organizational culture; types and forms of organizational change; organizational transformation cycles; decision making, learning, knowledge management, and information technology; innovation, intrapreneurship and creativity; managing conflict, power and politics; organizing in a changing global environment; organizational design and strategy in a changing global economy; and challenges of organizational design and designing organizational structure.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business Administration, Business Management, Management, Human Resource Management, Accounting, or Marketing (9/24).