Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (TCH-105)
Varies (self study; self-paced).
January 2015 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: trace the development of HTML and describe the transition from HTML to XHTML syntax, elements, and document type definitions; develop client-side intensive web pages using HTML5; create basic HTML elements such as hyperlinks, images, tables, and forms; use latest web technologies and programming languages to structure a web page effectively; discuss and use recommended web site design practices; control the look and placement of HTML elements using Cascading Style Sheets; compare and contrast HTML relative hyperlinks, linking to fragment identifiers, CSS pseudo-classes, navigation list layout, three-column layout, styling for print, styling for the mobile Web, and Cascading Style Sheets; explain box properties and external style sheets; create HTML source code that is both readable and upholds HTML5 standards; compare and contrast user interactions between desktop web, mobile application, and mobile web; Work with Forms on web pages; and discuss the system development life cycle and its application to Web development projects.
This self-study course introduces students to the principles of creating a website from scratch using HTML5 (the latest HTML standard) and CSS3, (the latest CSS standard). The course begins with an overview of web development before delving into the structure of HTML and XHTML documents. By the end of this course, students will know how to code links, inputs, and comments in HTML; style and format content with CSS. This course is intended to acquaint students with the extended capabilities of HTML5, as well as the new philosophy of Web Design that it embodies. Specifically, with HTML5 it will be possible to develop web pages entirely with HTML5. There will be no need for “plug‐ins” to provide additional functionality. This course of study is necessary to be prepared for the final examination which consists of equal reading, lesson and video assignments.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, or Web Design, Web Programming, or Internet Programming (1/15) (1/20 revalidation).