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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience

History and Systems of Psychology (PSY-304)

Formerly History and Systems of Psychology (PSY-202)

Varies (self-study; self-paced).

Various; distance learning format.

December 2014 - Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Online/distance learning
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: describe how the history of psychology is studied, its philosophical influences, its physiological influences, and the contributions of its founders; explain the theoretical tenets and empirical methods of structuralism, functionalism and applied psychology; investigate the theory and methods used in Behaviorism and Gestalt Psychology; discuss the contributions of psychoanalytic and humanistic theory and method and the contemporary developments in psychology; and evaluate the relative merits of psychology's major schools of thought and key studies in the history of psychology.


This self-study course explores the history of psychology and major schools of thought. From the Greek philosophers to the contributions of modern schools of thought such as evolutionary psychology, students explore important theoretical and methodological movements in psychology such as structuralism, functionalism, applied psychology, behaviorism, and psychoanalysis. Students evaluate the relative merits of each of psychology's approaches and deepen their knowledge of game-changing studies in the field. The unit objectives are aligned with the American Psychological Association's Guidelines for the Undergraduate Major (Version 2.0, August, 2013).

Credit recommendation: 

In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology, Social Science, History of Psychology, Social Science, Behavioral Sciences, Cognitive Science, Educational Psychology, General Science, or Teacher Education (12/14) (1/20 revalidation) (1/25 revalidation). 
