Consortium for International Studies | Evaluated Learning Experience
Educational Psychology PSY 203
Varies; self-study.
September 2018 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: define the development of children cognitively, socially and emotionally; discuss how to control a classroom for the purpose of optimal student learning; explore different ways to incorporate many cultures into the classroom; explore recent trends in the teaching profession; define the psychology behind learning; gain insight into how to teach students with special needs; and identify the benefits and pitfalls of different types of assessments and employ methodology for planning instruction and curriculum.
This self-study course includes 15 weekly lessons. Topics include the methodology behind classroom control, teaching to children with special needs and assessments as well as different strategies, ideas, and incentives to help teachers gain better understanding of the classroom.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Educational Psychology, Education, or Psychology (8/18) (9/23 revalidation).