Center for Academic and Religious Excellence (C.A.R.E.) | Evaluated Learning Experience
JBS 302 Exodus Advanced I and II
Proficiency examination program administered at the CARE testing center or at authorized proctor sites.
September 2017-Present.
Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency as follows: examine the textual component of Exodus and be familiar with the narrative; discuss the opinions of the commentaries on various topics in the text; describe the slavery of the Jewish people as delineated in Exodus and in the commentaries; discuss Moses’s role throughout the various stages of this period; discuss the transition of the Jewish people from an enslaved people to a free nation; describe the erection of the Mishkan and Moses’s and Betzalal’s roles; analyze the differences between the giving of the first and second sets of Ten Commandments; discuss the civil laws as delineated in Exodus and their effect on the moral standard of the Jewish people; and compare the roles of Aaron and Miriam versus that of Moses.
To prepare for this exam, students will study the following topics: the enslavement of the Jewish people in Egypt; Moses’s life from birth until his return to Egypt; the process of redemption, including the ten plagues, the preparation to leave Egypt; crossing the Red Sea, Egypt’s downfall; the road to Sinai, the Ten Commandments; the Golden Calf and its aftermath; laws between man and G-d; laws between man and man; the erection of the Mishkan.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Comparative Literature, Biblical Studies, or Religious Studies (9/17) (10/22 revalidation).