(Adult Medical Surgical Nursing)
Course 1: February 1987 - June 1991.* Course 2: March 1987 - December 1991.* Course 3: September 1987 - March 1992.*
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category or in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 8 semester hours in Adult Medical Surgical Nursing (1/90). NOTE: Courses 1, 2 and 3 must all be completed to receive credit. NOTE: Complete information on this version of the listed courses last appeared in the 1996 edition. *NOTE: The current version of these courses can be found under Current Courses in the preceding section. Further, earlier versions of these courses, dating from March 1981 to January 1987, September 1981 to February 1987, and November 1981 to August 1987 respectively, were listed in a course grouping that included Nursing (303). Please refer to the 1990 Directory for further information. Further, the psychiatric nursing component of Nursing (301) had also been recommended for additional credit in combination with Family Nursing II. Please refer to the Family Nursing II course exhibit in this section for further information.