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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

ASCM: Association for Supply Chain Management | Evaluated Learning Experience

Designing Products and Processes

Variable, depending upon the individual's preparation needs.
Proficiency examination program administered by the national offices of APICS.
January 2002 - December 2006.*
Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the methods that companies use in designing, producing, and delivering goods and services required by customers; discuss how the manufacturing processes serve as the execution component to other activities of an integrated manufacturing system; and discuss the interrelationships among industrial facilities management, process design and development, and manufacturing.

Three-hour, 125-item examination, covering the manufacturing processes in support of and consistent with customer requirements and needs. Major content areas and related topics covered include: Comprehending and Translating Requirements - enterprise strategy and mission, product and service strategy development, customer requirements and perception of value, competitive factors, and other considerations; Planning and Implementing a Design Project - organization, resources, and design activity outputs; Assessing Design Process Performance - time-to-market, productivity, quality, process testing and verification; Continuing Improvement and Innovation - reengineering, concurrent engineering, continuous improvement, communication technologies, customer involvement, design simulation, rapid prototyping, environmentally sensitive engineering, mass customization, supplier involvement, and failure analysis.
Credit recommendation: 
For this examination, paired with Delivering Products and Services, in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours as Production/Operations Management, Logistics/Distribution Management, or as a specialized course in New Product Development, Product and Process Design, or Supply Chain Management in Business, Business Administration, Management, or Industrial Engineering (9/04 revalidation). NOTE: This examination and Designing Products and Services must both be completed to receive credit. *NOTE: Please refer to the next section for earlier versions of this examination.
