Version 1: This is a four-hour, 175-item proficiency examination, covering the concepts, procedures, strategies, tools, and technologies applied to managing the end-to-end forward and backward flow of materials, information, and value in a supply chain as they relate to the following content areas: Supply Chain Management Fundamentals (SCM): explores the design, planning, execution, control and monitoring of supply chain activities in order to create net value by leveraging supply chain resources for enhanced global performance. Building a Competitive Infrastructure: examines the areas of demand planning, product design considerations, operations planning and control, and logistics to respond to changes in the global marketplace. Managing Customer and Supplier Relationships: focuses on the selection, development, and management of external organizational relationships. Using Information Technology (IT) to Enable Effective Supply Chain Management (SCM): examines the roles and uses of technologies and systems that enable enhanced performance of supply chain processes. Version 2: This is a four-hour, 175-item proficiency examination, covering the concepts, procedures, strategies, tools, and technologies applied to managing the end-to-end forward and backward flow of materials, information, and value in a supply chain as they relate to the following content areas: Supply Chain Management Fundamentals (SCM): explores the design, planning, execution, control and monitoring of supply chain activities in order to create net value by leveraging supply chain resources for enhanced global performance. Strategy, Design, and Compliance: explores the processes that support the organization's strategy, improvement of the sustainability of the organization and its trading partners, and compliance with applicable regulations and voluntary standards. Implementation and Operations: aligns the supply chain processes and capabilities with strategic business goals; defines organizational roles and infrastructures in the supply chain; defines and examines material, information and financial flows, intra - and interorganizational relationships; examines the roles and uses of technologies to enable effective process management.