Variable, depending upon the individual's preparation needs.
Proficiency examination program administered by the national offices of APICS.
September 1983-January 1992.*
Instructional delivery format:
Learner Outcomes:
Discuss the concepts of load and capacity when applied to manufacturing problems; explain the interrelationship of these concepts with plant and equipment, the workforce, and the scheduling of plant operations; identify different manufacturing environments, such as batch, continuous, project, and discuss the application of capacity management techniques to these different environments.
Three-hour, 100-item examination, covering the concepts and techniques of planning and control of capacity. Major content areas and related topics covered include: Concepts -load and capacity, interrelationship of scheduling and capacity management, manufacturing environment, including Just-In-Time influences; Applications -managing levels of capacity, type of production technology, implications of not managing capacity; System Interfaces -planning capacity, execution; Capacity Determination -calculated and demonstrated capacity, lead times, implications of changes in elements of capacity planning; Techniques of Planning and Control - resource requirements and rough cut capacity planning, Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP), input/output control, operation sequencing, other planning and control considerations.