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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

New York City Police Department | Evaluated Learning Experience

Introduction to Law Enforcement

Introduction to Law Enforcement-Police Science
offered as two components
Version 1: 180 hours. Version 2: 90 hours (12 weeks). Version 3: 69 hours (9 weeks). Version 4: 79.5 hours (26 weeks).
Police Academy, 235 East 20th St., New York, NY.
Version 1: December 1973 - August 1979. Version 2: September 1979 - December 1990. Version 3: January 1991 - December 1993. Version 4: January 1994 - December 1999.*
Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Version 1 or 2: To provide the student with an introduction to law enforcement and its role within society with specific reference to the function of the patrol officer; to provide the student with an understanding of what is expected of the urban police officer; to enable the recruit to analyze and work within the guidelines of the New York City Police departmental structure and policy, and the individual member's functions; to familiarize the recruit with the purposes and operation of the New York City Police patrol, and the skills, techniques, resources, and statutes with which the police officer must be conversant. Version 3 or 4: Describe the function of law enforcement in society and its implications for the role of the police officer; define the role of the urban police officer; identify and describe the major features of the New York City Police Department's structure and policies; describe the purpose and operation of a New York City Police patrol function; describe the skills, resources, and statutes that are fundamental to a police officer's work.

Version 1: Role of law enforcement and the individual police officer's participation; departmental structure, policy, and rationale of each; individual member's internal and external relationships and functions; purposes and operations of police patrol; skills, techniques, resources and statutes with which the police office must be familiar. Version 2 or 3: Role of law enforcement and the individual police officer's participation; departmental structure, policy, and rationale of each; individual member's internal and external relationships and functions; purposes and operations of police patrol; skills, techniques, resources, and statutes with which the officer must be familiar; policies and practices of the New York City Police Department; organization and rank order; sick and excusal procedures; discipline; patrol: organization, function, conditions; report writing; police emergencies; communications; motor vehicle and traffic regulations; summons procedures; Environmental Control Board summons; arrest procedures; custody of children; policies concerning prisoners; police tactics; and fingerprinting. Version 4: Role of law enforcement and the individual police officer's participation; departmental structure, policy, and rationale of each; individual member's internal and external relationships and functions; purposes and operations of police patrol; skills, techniques, resources, and statutes with which the officer must be familiar; policies and practices of the New York City Police Department; organization and rank order; sick and excusal procedures; discipline; patrol: organization, function, conditions; report writing; police emergencies; communications; motor vehicle and traffic regulations; summons procedures; Environmental Control Board summons; arrest procedures; custody of children; policies concerning prisoners; police tactics; and fingerprinting;  community policing; juveniles.
Credit recommendation: 

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category or in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 4 semester hours in Criminal Justice and 4 semester hours as an elective in Criminal Justice(8/74). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category or in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 4 semester hours in Criminal Justice (4/85 revalidation). Version 3 or 4: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 4 semester hours in Police Science (1/91 revalidation) (5/96 revalidation). *NOTE: The credit recommendation for this course's instructional content continues in the course exhibit titled Police Science.
