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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts | Evaluated Learning Experience

Continuing Commercial Class (COM301)

12 hours (4 weeks).
The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, 39 West 19th Street, New York, NY.
September 1992 - December 2007.
Learner Outcomes: 
Make the transition from the beginning Commercial Course (COM201) to auditioning for casting directors and agents; hone one's commercial acting abilities by focusing on individual performance needs.
This course deals with individual acting problems and provides the opportunity for experienced actors to polish their commercial acting technique. (Prerequisite: Commercial Course (COM201) or prior commercial training and audition experience.)
Credit recommendation: 
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category or in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 1 semester hour in Theatre, Drama, Communications, or Radio and Television if the course is taken twice or when one of the following courses is also completed: Commercial Basics (COM101), Commercial Course (COM201), or Voice Over Skills (COM203) (11/97) (12/02 revalidation).
