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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Publication of Evaluation Results

For learning experiences recommended for college credit, exhibits are published in CCRS Online. Prior to 2003, exhibits were documented in print editions of College Credit Recommendations, The Directory of The National Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction. 

Exhibits contain the following information: course or program title, and course number (if applicable); location where the course is offered; length in contact hours and days or weeks; dates credit recommendations are active; instructional delivery format; learner outcomes; instruction and description of course content; credit recommendations in the appropriate degree category or categories and subject area(s), month and year of the first evaluation, and month and year of subsequent 5-year revalidation of credit recommendations. 

The following policies and guidelines are intended to assist NCCRS member organizations and cooperating institutions use the NCCRS brand consistently and correctly. When in doubt, please contact NCCRS for clarification.  NCCRS reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change the permission in this policy at any time at its sole discretion. For further information about use of the NCCRS name or logo, please contact

  1. Logo. Altering or creating a NCCRS logo is not permitted.
  1. Web links. Organizations may not link to  from a website that is obscene, disparaging, defamatory or libelous.
  1. Website. NCCRS retains ownership and all rights to NCCRS website (  Printing and downloading material from  are permitted.
  1. Using the NCCRS brand in advertising and marketing material.  Permission to use the NCCRS logo in advertising and marketing material must be granted by NCCRS prior to publication. 
  1. Language. NCCRS does not award college credit. Credit recommendations become college credit when specific colleges or universities accept and award transfer credit. Therefore, member organizations cannot state or imply that courses evaluated by NCCRS are credit-bearing, nor can it be stated or implied that NCCRS awards college credit. Member organizations cannot state that their organization or their evaluated training programs or courses are accredited by NCCRS. NCCRS is not an accrediting body. More appropriately, NCCRS establishes college credit recommendations or recommends noncollegiate courses for college credit. Therefore, organizations may use the verb "recommends" or the noun "recommendations" when referencing college credit recommendations established by NCCRS. When developing promotional materials or referencing NCCRS and achievements, please note that the program name is National College Credit Recommendation Service, and the approved abbreviation is NCCRS.

Misuse, unauthorized use or misrepresentation of NCCRS. NCCRS reserves the right to remove NCCRS course exhibits and logos from its website as a consequence of violation of NCCRS branding usage and editorial permissions policies. 

