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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Faith Builders Educational Programs, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience

English Composition I ENG 101

Formerly Writing and Research ENG 101; also Writing and Research

Version 1: 45 hours (5 - 15 weeks). Version 2 and 3: 45 hours (5-12 weeks).

Faith Builders Educational Programs, 28527 Guys Mills Road, Guys Mills, PA.
Version 1: September 2001 - April 2007. Version 2: May 2007 - November 2007. Version 3: December 2007 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Version 1, 2, and 3: Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to: write and develop a thesis using various rhetorical modes: description, process analysis, cause-effect, comparison-contrast and narration; practice the elements of argumentation and persuasion, and understand the concepts of purpose and audience; practice principles of effective diction and sentence structure; understand and apply the basic elements of style; apply appropriate research and documentation methodology in writing a research paper; analyze expository writing or works of literature in order to learn techniques for clear expression and logical support of ideas.


Version 1: Major topics covered in the course are: the writing process itself (6 essays), descriptive, process analysis, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, narration and persuasion-argument, research skills used to write research papers (the paper is also submitted for evaluation in World History). Methods of instruction include lecture, peer reviews, teacher-student conferences to evaluate written work and extensive editing and revision of written work. Evaluation criteria include five essays, several narrative pieces, peer review work and one research paper. Version 2: Major topics covered in the course are divided into 2 components: In the writing component, students work on the writing process itself and produce 5 essays: descriptive, process analysis, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, narration and persuasion-argument, and several narrative pieces. In the research component, students work on skills used to write research papers, as well as write a research paper which is submitted for evaluation in World History I. Methods of instruction include: lecture, peer reviews and conferences with instructor. Evaluation criteria include: five essays, one research paper, narrative pieces and peer review work. Version 3: Major topics covered in the course are: the writing process and the creation of 6 essays, including the following: descriptive writing, process analysis, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, narration, and persuasion (argument). Students work on skills used to write research papers, which is also submitted for evaluation in World History. Methods of instruction include: lecture Peer review, teacher-student conferences which are used to evaluate written work, extensive editing and revision of student work. Evaluation criteria include: 5 essays, several narrative pieces, peer review work, and one research paper.

Credit recommendation: 

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Writing and Research (10/03). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in English Composition I (4/07). Version 3: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Writing and Research (11/10) (10/15 revalidation) (10/20 revalidation).
